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7 Ways to Know You Need a Multivitamin

7 Ways to Know You Need a Multivitamin

There are a few important reasons you may need to take a multivitamin depending on your health condition or a particular stage of life. Even though research doesn’t support that a multivitamin wards off chronic disease, there are certain times in your life when a multivitamin brings more good than harm.

For me, the invention of the multivitamin is perhaps one of the worst as well as one of the best inventions on the globe. Unfortunately, many people think that a multivitamin can replace a healthy diet, but we don’t always need it since our diet is already rich in minerals and vitamins.

I always recommend people get all the essential nutrients through healthy food, but sometimes a multivitamin is a must. If you want to know whether you need a multivitamin or not, make sure you talk to your doctor first, but now take a look at the list of 7 ways to know you need to take a multivitamin.

1. Can help prevent malnutrition from developing

People with malnutrition lack the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for their bodies to stay strong and healthy. In this case, a high-quality multivitamin can help improve their health. Sure, taking a multivitamin won’t help prevent disease, but it can help prevent malnutrition from developing.

2. Your doctor recommends it

If you talk to your doctor and he/she recommends a multivitamin, then you may really need to take it. While you should trust your doctor, you should also do your own research.

The point is that your doctor can make recommendations based on your health conditions and can also tell you if any minerals or vitamins will interact with any of the medications you are taking. Make sure you are honest with your doctor so that she or he can make the best recommendations.

3. You’re pregnant or breastfeeding

When you’re breastfeeding or when you’re pregnant, you’re supplying nutrients for two bodies. Due to this, your body has increased nutritional needs, especially for calcium, iron, and folic acid.

If you’re of child-bearing age, it’s also a great idea to take a multivitamin to ensure that you’re getting enough vitamin B and folate that can help prevent neural tube defects.

More: 8 Foods to Eat When Pregnant

4. You stick to a strict diet

If you stick to a strict diet, you may need to take a multivitamin in order to prevent malnutrition. You should know that strict diets can be void of some essential vitamins and minerals.

For instance, a vegan diet may be lacking in zinc, iron, and B vitamins. But if you know this, try to find foods that contain these nutrients so that you don’t need to opt for a multivitamin.

5. You’re 50 or older

As we age, our bodies lose the ability to absorb certain nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, and calcium as readily. Due to this, taking a multivitamin can help prevent a nutritional deficiency.

Also, some medications can cause decreased intake, digestion, and absorption. Moreover, as people age, their taste, smell, and appetite tend to decrease, which can also cause poor nutritional intake.

6. You consume too much alcohol

If you drink too much alcohol, you should certainly discuss taking a multivitamin with your doctor. Excessive alcohol consumption can impair your body’s ability to digest and absorb a few crucial vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, thiamin, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D, B12. A heavy drinker tends to drink their calories instead of eating a well-balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, and they can become deficient in some important nutrients.

More: 7 Best Excuses for Not Drinking Alcohol

7. You have a decreased appetite

Do you have a decreased appetite? Perhaps, you need to take a multivitamin. Sure, it won’t provide all of the needed vitamins and minerals, but it can reduce your risk of developing malnutrition.

Pain in your mouth or poor chewing can also lead to inadequate intake of essential minerals and vitamins. Ask your doctor how to fix the underlying condition and think of taking a multivitamin, which can help make up for a nutrition deficiency.

Although the best way to get all the essential vitamins and minerals is through a healthy, well-balanced diet, there are particular times when you may need to take a high-quality multivitamin. Do you take a multivitamin?1

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