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Why Vegetarianism Works

There is a simple truth that many vegetarians recognize – the way in which America processes its meat is absolutely disgusting. In fact, most vegetarians do not even believe that humans should never eat animals. The vast number of chemicals found in most meat products have been linked to several types of cancer in addition to a cornucopia of other diseases (remember avian flu?). The conditions of slaughterhouses and meat processing facilities are horrendous in most cases and are essentially breeding grounds for all sorts of infectious life-forms. New strains of E. Coli and other noxious viruses have been found in the meat production houses of organizations like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, and Boston Market.
Why Vegetarianism Works
Vegetarianism is also a great way to begin a healthy diet. Granted, there are some cases in which a person simply cannot maintain a strictly vegetarian diet. However, for most of America, a country plagued by seemingly unstoppable obesity, the case stands that a vegetarian diet would be beneficial. Most other countries do not eat nearly the amounts of meat which the U.S. does. The United States and the United Kingdom are the two most meat-consuming countries on the planet. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cutting out all of that unnecessary meat. With a balanced meal plan, there are, for most folks, no serious deficiencies inherent in vegetarian living. As most cut out meat from their meals, they may began to take notice of what they are actually eating, something that most others rarely do. In this age of super-fast everything, we don’t take the time to make healthy choices. Becoming a vegetarian can change that. By making the switch, one can make sure that his or her daily intake has all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Though most vegetarians do not wish to be seen as a mere “tree huggers” many will admit to a certain spiritual benefit to becoming a vegetarian. Even those who are not particularly religious know that animals have a purpose on the earth. When we harvest them for food so carelessly, we lose sight of their place in nature. Native Americans knew the place of animals in the world. They were not vegetarians but were known for hunting responsibly, using every part of a killed animal rather than simply consuming the meat. Modern Americans have never been so noble. Another instance of responsibility can be seen in the diets of Buddhist monks. They maintain that life must never be taken even from the lowliest creature and are therefore vegetarians.

One might be worried at first that he or she will find very little to eat outside of the home kitchen. However, more and more restaurants are offering vegetarian options that are not any more expensive than meat-filled choices. Is meaty Mexican food your favorite cuisine? Try Qdoba- a huge portion of their menu is Mexican classics done in vegetarian style. Asian cuisine is practically founded on vegetarian options from tofu (quite delicious if prepared properly) and assorted cooked vegetables. There is plenty out there to eat for one who wishes to become a vegetarian.
There are more than enough reasons to become a veggie. At the very least, cutting down on one’s meat intake is helpful, not just to oneself, but to the world as a whole. You don’t have to be a tree-hugger, but, rest assured, the prospect is tempting after experiencing what a vegetarian diet can do for you.


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