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8 Turn-Offs for Guys that You Might Not Even Know about

There are plenty of turn-offs for men that you might not even know about! If you think that talking about your ex-boyfriend the whole evening and being perfumed up are attractive, you are wrong! These might be the biggest turn-offs for guys! Check out a few turn-offs for men that you might not know!
Turn-Offs for Guys that You Might Not Even Know about

1. Being too easy

Being too easy is not only about sex, it’s all about everything! Most guys like confident, interesting girls, who will not give away their secrets right on the first date. You should leave some mystery and be sure to keep the relationship fresh and interesting.

2. Playing dumb a lot of the time

This is one of the turn-offs for guys that many girls do not take too seriously, but it really works. Even if you think that it’s nice to play dumb, guys actually like smart girls who have their opinions. If you know something interesting, be sure to speak up! And don’t forget to be yourself!

3. Applying too much perfume

While you like the smell of your favorite perfume and the guy might like it too, if you apply too much perfume, that isn’t the best thing! Keep in mind that smelling good is one thing, but too much perfume is definitely not. Try to keep it light, ladies, and your man will absolutely appreciate it!

More: 7 Sensual Perfumes for Women

4. Long fingernails

Most women think that very long fingernails are super attractive, but it’s actually the huge turn-off for men. Guys like all natural and if you’re going to have super long fingernails, it can hurt him if he is making out with you. Keep it simple and short and don’t overdo your nails!

5. Being too clingy

This is one of the turn-offs for men that they really hate. If you’re constantly clinging to your guy and seeming that you cannot live without him, that’s too much, girls! Guys like girls who are independent and who only depend on them when they really need help. If you’re clinging too much to your guy, stop doing it and become more independent!

6. Talking about your ex-boyfriend

Men hate when a woman is constantly talking about her ex-boyfriend. If you still love your ex, it’s a bad idea to date another man. If you want to be with someone else, stop talking about your ex, since this is one turn-off for men that they totally hate!

More: 7 Signs Your Past Relationship May Be Holding You Back

7. Being rude

The next turn-off for men we are going to talk about is rudeness and attitude! Men don’t like girls that are rude to everybody around them and have a bad attitude. Sure you don’t have to be happy all of the time, since all of us get bad days, however, if your bad day outweighs the good one, it’s better to stay at home.

8. Being overbearing

Just like you can make your own decisions, your man can make his own. You shouldn’t become his mom and take care of him. If you’re too overbearing with your man, he can feel resentment and it can turn your relationship sour.

So ladies, what other turn-offs for men do you know? Share them, please!

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